I am excited. Not only is it two weeks before I fly of to the UK but also because of a book I started reading this morning. I have already read about 1/3 of it just in the space of commuting to work and home on the train today. Captured By the Light,
It has to be one of the best books on photography I have read outside of Scott Kelby's books. To my photography friends if you have attended a Creative Photo Workshops course on flash then this gives you the written along with some visuals to reinforce the ideas. It also has a section on posing as well as tips all throughout on getting the right composition. He gives tips on workflow for a Wedding all the way trough there is a series of photos reinforcing the poses, the lighting.
I have read Hot Shoe Diaries and whilst an interesting read is perhaps not as instructional and I may now benefit from rereading it after attending a few workshops and reading this book. A word of warning to my Nikon friends David is a Canon shooter so tends to talk more from a Canon point of view but don't let that put you off as there is plenty of info in this book for Nikon shooters.
I think if you are serious about your photography and want to do weddings then this is an essential read and one you will continue to refer to until it all becomes second nature. So whilst you can read about it practice, practice is what reinforces it.
Till my next post.
Sounds like a cool book! I shall put it on my reading list!